Rosa B. Reyero Miguelez

How is it going with the closing of generational gap in the business events?

Rosa B. Reyero Miguelez

One of the most recurrent post-pandemic themes in all fields, after a remarkable number of boomers retiring, who prematurely, who at their age, and the entry of successive generations into the world of work, is undoubtedly the generation gap.

Let’s look at the current situation in the world of corporate events, to see if, just two years after the pandemic, the generation gap is really closing.

In the world of corporate events, where innovation and networking are paramount, the generation gap has been until now perceived as a major obstacle. However, in recent years, we have witnessed a remarkable phenomenon: the generation gap in the world of corporate events is gradually narrowing. This evolution is driven by a variety of factors, from technological advances to changing attitudes towards collaboration and diversity.

One of the most obvious drivers of the narrowing generation gap is technology.

As digital natives, younger professionals are adept at using cutting-edge tools and platforms to enhance the event experience. Meanwhile, older generations have recognized the importance of embracing technology to remain competitive and relevant in the industry. Whether it’s incorporating virtual reality for immersive presentations or using AI-powered algorithms for networking, technology has become the great equalizer, allowing participants of all ages to engage more effectively.

Additionally, hybrid and virtual events have played a key role in bridging generational differences.
The emergence of the pandemic not only widened access to these events, but also made participation more inclusive, allowing people from diverse backgrounds and age groups to connect without geographic limitations. As a result, both younger and older professionals have found common ground in the virtual world, promoting collaboration and knowledge sharing across generations.

Another catalyst for bridging the generation gap is the shifting mindset towards mentoring and reverse mentoring.
Traditionally, mentoring was passed from senior and experienced professionals to their younger counterparts. However, in today’s business environment, reverse mentoring has become more popular: younger people pass on their expertise in areas such as social media, digital marketing, and emerging technologies to senior executives. This reciprocal exchange of knowledge fosters mutual respect and understanding, promoting a culture of continuous learning and innovation.

In parallel, the blurring of traditional career paths and the rise of the collaborative economy have changed the way different generations approach work and career development. Millennials and Generation Z professionals, known for their entrepreneurial spirit and desire for autonomy, are increasingly attracted to self-directed work, consultancy, and project-based work. This shift has created opportunities for older professionals looking to transition into new roles or pursue passion projects later in their careers.

In summary, it is undeniable that the generation gap in the business events world is narrowing, thanks to the convergence of technology, changing attitudes towards mentoring, initiatives DIE (Diversity, equity & inclusion) and evolving professional models. As we continue to embrace innovation and promote inclusive environments, we can build on the collective talent and experiences of people from all generations to drive real change and shape the future of corporate events.